Sunday 19 April 2015

Influence of Music on Children

There has always been the question of how much does music really influence society today? Man groups have claimed they have done test after test proving that children who listen to such genres as Rap and Hip Hop are more likely to use drugs and drink alcohol and partake in illegal activities. Where some parents are worried if their child is listening to genres like heavy metal and death metal. Some individuals say that these genres are children more depressed and suicidal.

In my opinion music can have an effect on a person but not a huge impact like these parents and organisations are saying. In my opinion I believe that the way a child is raised and the people they surround themselves with is what really determines them as an individual. I would lean more to saying that they choose the music to suit the lifestyle "image" they have chosen.

In doing a little bit of reading to get an understanding on this topic it did occur to me that music can have maybe a larger impact on someone's life. Music can desensitise the listener to things such as violence and suicide. It can give the impression that the world is actually a harsher place than it really is.

The effect of music is a very controversial topic. The website ( talks about the effect of violent music in the more younger children and how it has been shown in studies that these children are more prone to peer pressure by friends and less influenced by their parents. The article explains that children are spending only very minimal time on a day twenty minutes with their mum and less then 5 minutes with there dad in conversation. My view is that if this is the case, I hardly believe that music is the cause and more lack of communication from the parent. They are showing a lack of care in the child's life, which if it isn't rectified, the problems will start.

In conclusion the top of how much music lyrical content effects society is a grey topic. But after reading a few articles on research done I am able to see both sides of the table. But as myself I do believe the effect that is claimed to have been made by music is not just the music having an effect but the way the child was raised and the people they had in their life.

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