Saturday 23 May 2015

The N word

In today’s society we account racism as one of the biggest issues. Anyone that says it no longer exists is lying. To this day we’ve been having riots over this issue, and one of the biggest “no no’s” is the N word. No one likes saying it, and nobody likes hearing it. But what happens when you hear it in all these rapper’s songs, every second line. Why is it acceptable for them?

Now as adults we know that the N word isn’t tolerable no matter what the circumstance, however, the younger generation may not, and after listening to one or two RnB songs may begin to use the word. What happens then? Who gets blamed?

Truth is maybe if we want racist to come closer to an end, and the N word to be forgotten, it should no longer be used in songs. However, a lot of people say if you’re from a ‘black’ background or decent, the n word is fine to use, and most rappers today are all from black decent. But what happens when we sing along to this music or make a cover, does it then become acceptable for us too?

No probably not, because these rappers are reappropriating the word, by which a cultural group reclaims the term that was previously disapproving by the group and making it theirs. So to the thousands of people out there who think that the word is unnecessary in rappers albums, to them it is. And that’s what rap is all about expressing yourself and your pain through your music.

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